Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 16 - Tues July 3

Steven got home very late last night - he went to bed and in the morning this is what I heard:
I feel like I came home to a third world country! My bed is low to the ground (the bed which everyone loves), I have no sheet, I found 5 dog poops on the carpet, there are brown spots all over! My room is like sleeping in a tent, it is the same temperature as the outside.
I have now steam cleaned his carpet...the dog poops are picked up...I will put a sheet on his bed. Don't worry, Christopher, when you get home things will be great. Good idea sending Steven on ahead as a scout.
Kylie is at her Achievement Days Activity.
We are going to eat at Paco's tonight, after Zak's football at Arcadia High.

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